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Swissnex Annual Report 2023: A Year of Global Expansion and Pioneering Innovation Efforts

Bern, 15.04.2024 – Swissnex is the Swiss global network for education, research, and innovation. The year 2023 was shaped by the inauguration of Swissnex in Japan, the introduction of initiatives like the Indo-Swiss Innovation Platform in India, the “Metropolis” program in San Francisco, and various activities to foster international cooperation and innovation. The Swissnex annual report showcases the broad variety of projects, events, and many other activities run by Swissnex across the globe over the past year.

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Christian Meier

Christian Meier is a seasoned journalist and the esteemed editor of Biz Swiss, the online source focused on Swiss business and economics. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering untold stories, Christian has dedicated his career to bringing to light the intricacies of Switzerland's dynamic business landscape.