Die Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im Mai 2024

Registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit im Mai 2024 - Gemäss den Erhebungen des Staatssekretariats für Wirtschaft (SECO) waren…

Impact of pollution on embryonic development – Nanoparticles: Risk for babies in the womb

Little is yet known about the health effects of nanoparticles on pregnancy. An interdisciplinary team…

Swiss scientists to retain access to one of world’s most powerful neutron sources

On 6 June, State Secretary Martina Hirayama signed an agreement on behalf of the Federal…

United for greater sustainability in the coffee sector

The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) was launched in Bern on 6 June 2024 with…

Underwater camera explores microcosms in Lake Zug

The Aquascope underwater camera has been installed in Lake Zug. It is the second permanent…

Award for top quality in vocational training – Empa honored for apprenticeship training

Empa not only conducts top-notch science, but is also hosts outstanding program for vocational training.…

Ordinance on measures connected with the Situation in Ukraine

On 3 June 2024, the Federal Department of Economic Affairs EAER has amended the annex…

Schweiz – EU: Diskussionen zu den Schutzmassnahmen der EU auf Stahleinfuhren

Am 4. Juni 2024 hat auf Antrag der Schweiz ein ausserordentliches Treffen des Gemischten Ausschusses…

New association brings medical practice and research together

In the future, doctors at Aargau hospitals will be able to apply for research support…

Friendly reminder – Einladung zum Mediengespräch: Berichte Flankierende Massnahmen und Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfung 2023

Das SECO lädt Sie, am Montag 10. Juni 2024, an einem Mediengespräch ein. Es wird…