9 August 2024. By Neptune PANDA BEAR IN AFRICA *** Here’s a sweet, non-violent animated…

​Swiss pension hole calculation error does not change future, argues statistician

This week, an error was found in the government’s calculation of the future hole in…

​A look back at Swiss resistance to seat belt laws

Thirty years ago, Switzerland introduced rules making it compulsory to wear seatbelts in any seat…

​Swiss hospitals lost a billion francs in 2023

Switzerland’s health system is under strain. New drugs and treatments combined with an ageing population,…

​Swiss car battery recycler set for launch

A popular criticism of electric cars is the toxic battery waste they create. In response…

​Swiss court sets new precedent on divorce payments

Under Swiss law, divorcees can demand spousal payments from their former partner up until the…

​Calls to end bank secrecy for Swiss

Under international pressure, Switzerland removed banking secrecy for foreign residents in 2009. However, laws ensuring…

​Government advises Swiss to leave Lebanon

On 31 July 2024, Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) advised all Swiss nationals…

​FILM: SHAYDA ***1/2 – Australia’s Oscars entry

2 August 2024. By Neptune SHAYDA ***1/2 (vo Persian and English) Long ago Mark Twain…

​Switzerland to return to Afghanistan

Switzerland will reopen its humanitarian office in Afghanistan in autumn 2024 instead of summer as…