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Publication notice: GDP flash for the second quarter of 2024: Swiss economic growth slightly above average

According to the early estimate of Switzerland’s quarterly real GDP* around 45 days after the end of the quarter (‘GDP flash’), Swiss economic output is estimated to have increased by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2024. Industry was the main contributor to the slightly above-average growth. The services sector also grew overall.

The flash estimate is based on early information available on the production components of GDP. Estimates are used where values are not yet available. The result may therefore change after the complete and updated source data become available.
The regular release of quarterly GDP figures, including details on production, expenditure and income as well as updated calculations for the previous quarters, will be published on 3 September 2024.
Further information is available at

Contact for enquiries:
Felicitas Kemeny, SECO, Head of Short Term Economic Analyses, Economic Policy Directorate, Tel: +41 58 462 93 25
Philipp Wegmüller, SECO, Deputy Head of Short Term Economic Analyses, Economic Policy Directorate, Tel: +41 58 465 95 38

* Adjusted for seasonal/calendar effects and sporting events.

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